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Saturday, June 20, 2009

more John

Here's a few more shots of our boy.... a few from our last day in the hospital and then from our first days home. Sadly, we don't have many shots of Isaiah and Marian with the little guy yet because they were both fevery for a while, but now that everyone is healthy (praise the Lord!) we should be able to post more fun sibling shots soon.

This was the afternoon we arrived home from the hospital. Thanks Auntie H for the super cool personalized onesie for our little man and big bro/big sis T shirts for the big kids!
Matt has a lot of fun helping our infants "talk" (by moving their mouths for them)....

John is our littlest one yet. We marvel at his skinny little legs and his long feet. He seems so little and yet it is still a wonder to me that he just came out of me! He is fearfully and wonderfully made!

1 comment:

  1. Six babies later, I have not lost the awe over holding that little baby and imagining that he or she was just inside my belly! Everything about it is absolutely amazing and could never become boring! God does some pretty awe inspring things doesn't he?!
