This little girl is sure winning our hearts more and more every day. She loves to shoot kisses (no hands, just the sound from her lips), to get our attention by putting her face right in front of ours to point out what she wants, to ask for more food by opening her mouth as wide as it possibly could be, and she plays pretty fiesty with her brother too! She is all joy and delight for us!
I so look forward to celebrating this day with Marian (and with Isaiah) when we can discuss together their Grandma Lynn and her legacy for them. My mom would have loved sharing her birthday with her darling granddaughter. I really missed having her here with us to celebrate Marian, and I really miss being with my mom to celebrate her.
The relay water game that Matt led for all our little friends was a big hit!
And after the party, we got comfy and relaxed with a few good friends who joined us for dinner at our place. What a great day!