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Saturday, June 26, 2010

I want to be changed...

and this is so worth changing for.

How good to hear this message, see this video about poor around the world and change our lives accordingly. I hope if you have a minute, you can watch these two videos here...

We K's will be praying and thinking creatively about ways we can give more, get more funds and practical help for all these needs directly to these needy ones, who Christ loves, who he died for.

How can we live as though they don't exist?

And, another one very dear to our hearts, is this video about the recent bloodshed in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. If you're anything like me, be ready to weep. And then pray. Let's pray urgently together for these people!

(For this and any other time it might look like I regularly scour the internet to find great resources like this, I don't. Almost 100% of the time it's just straight from
Justin Taylor or Ann Voskamp's blog. Thanks to Ann for the first one above.)


  1. Thanks for sharing these...a challenge my heart needed.

  2. Wow, what a challenge for my heart as grateful to have you share these with us, Jill...hard to see, but good to see...
